Ones are ethical and rational, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are constantly striving for the improvement of the world but are always fearful of making a mistake. Well-organized and meticulous, they always strive to uphold high standards but can become overly critical. They have issues with suppressing anger and intolerance. Ones are wise, insightful, realistic, and noble. They are people with high moral principles.

They initially provoke anger within themselves, which then turns into resentment. Feeling "not good enough"
or "undeserving," Ones become fixated
on always doing things "right." They tend
to be self-critical. Ones notice mistakes that others disregard and often feel obligated
to fix them. They believe that they and others need to give their all
- that's their position.

Idealistic type: principled, goal-oriented, striving for perfection, and well-organized.
being bad, defective, evil,
or corrupt.

being good, virtuous, balanced,
to have integrity.

«You're doing well if you do what's right».

— “I have a mission in life.”.
Type 1 — Perfectionist
Two's are empathetic, sincere, and have
a kind heart. They are friendly, generous, and willing to sacrifice themselves, but can also be sentimental and compliant. They are motivated by good intentions and often help others in order to feel needed. They usually find it difficult
to take care of themselves and meet their own needs. At their best, Twos are selfless, altruistic, and genuinely love themselves and others.

Two's are important to feel their own demand. They subconsciously act nobly: sometimes because of altruistic beliefs, sometimes out of selfish motives. A person of this type, when entering a room,
is primarily interested in how others are doing, what they need, and how they can help. In relationships, they are driven by the desire to feel the needs of others and
to help them.
to be unloved or unworthy
of love.

to be loved

"You're doing well if those around you love you and you are close
to them».

— «I care about people».
Type 2 — Helper
Caring type: noble, demonstrative,
enjoying pleasing people, possessive.

Threes are confident, attractive and charming. They are ambitious, competent and energetic - they may, however, become preoccupied with self-promotion and status. Threes are overly concerned with how others perceive them. They often become workaholics and try to accomplish too much. At their best, threes accept themselves
as they are and are authentic, which sets
a great example for others
and inspires them.
The goal of such individuals is to show themselves as successful and effective. They find it difficult to understand both their own and others' emotions. They tend to conceal fear, frustration, disappointment, and emotional discomfort until they are alone. Successfully achieves goals, enjoys setting both short-term and long-term objectives. They can inspire others
to achieve great things. When
we succeed, it is also their success.

Success-oriented type: easily adaptable, outperforming others, caring about their image.

to be worthless, having no value apart from one's achievements.

to feel valuable, recognized,
and desired.

«You're doing well if you are successful and others think highly of you».

— «I know that if I work a lot, I will be able
to do it».

Type 3 — Achiever
Fours understand themselves, they are sensitive and calm. They are individuals, but they can also become slaves to their moods and withdraw into themselves. Detached from others because of an inner sense of vulnerability, they can feel despised and out of the ordinary in life. They often go along with their desires
and feel sorry for themselves. At their best, Fours are inspired and extremely
creative individuals.
Fours want to be themselves, to be different from others. People of the fourth type feel that they lack something in life, they will not rest until they find this "something". They like to be melancholy, tragedy gives them energy. This is the only type that can tolerate pain without seeking to eliminate it. Everything real is valuable to them, Fours hate insincerity. Communication gives them more than any other personality type. Fours understand themselves, they are sensitive,
reserved and calm.

Dramatic type: emotionally expressive, feeling, inclined withdrawn, absorbed in one's thoughts, sharply temperamental.

— «No one understands me».
to have no individuality or personal
(to oneself) significance.

to find themselves and their significance, to create a personal identity out of their own experiences.

«You're doing well if you're true
to yourself».

Type 4 — Individualist

Fives are perceptive and curious.
They are able to focus their attention
on developing complex ideas and skills. Fives can also be completely enslaved to their thoughts and imaginative constructs. They withdraw from the outside world, remaining tense. A frequent problem of Fives
is isolation, eccentricity. At their best, Fives are innovators, ahead of their time and able
to see the world around them in a whole new way.
Fives seek enough resources for their own independence. The most emotionally detached type, can abstract themselves and their own feelings. Copes with fear as they gain knowledge. Their energy reserves are limited, so Fives think carefully about what and when to offer to those around them. Entering into a relationship
is an unprecedented courage on their
part: Fives have to spend more resources
on interaction than any other type.

Intellectual type: deep, insightful, resourceful, secretive, independent and isolated.
to be useless, helpless, or incapable.

to be capable and competent,
to know.

«You're doing well if you've studied something perfectly».

— «What if we tried to do it differently?».

Type 5 — Observer
These people can be relied upon and are responsible, but can also become overly defensive, evasive and very anxious. Complain about the hardships of life and get stressed from the same. Often cautious and indecisive, but can also be defiant and unruly. Sixes usually suffer from insecurity and their suspiciousness. At their best, Sixes are internally stable, self-confident, and bravely stand up for the weak.
Sixes need a sense of security, nervous
at the thought of possible future events.
They expect a catch everywhere. Coping
with anxiety by calculating the worst-case scenario. They love order, rules, plans and laws. Not vain - just do their part and expect the same from others. Their non-conflict, loyalty and steadfastness is what will bring any organization together. Sixes care more about the common good than anyone else.

Security-oriented type: involved, committed, obliging, worried, suspicious.

being unable to survive without support, lacking support and orientation in the world.

to find safety and support.

«You're doing well if you do what
is expected of you».

— «I worry, and then I look for reasons why
I worry».

Type 6 — Skeptic
Most often in good spirits and practical, Sevens can also be overstressed
and undisciplined. They are constantly
on the lookout for new experiences
and adventures, but can withdraw from people; the endless change of scenery and actors drains them severely. They're often superficial and impulsive. At their best, Sevens focus their talents
on accomplishing the goals before
them, becoming cheerful, happy
and grateful.

They are encouraged by best-case scenarios. Avoid pain and look for the positive
in everything, even frankly unpleasant events. Sevens think they experience the full range
of emotions, although they spend most of their lives enjoying only its "bright side". Sevens avoid routine. Fight fear with the help of denial, in which they achieve great success. They know how to lift the spirits of those around them. Without them, our lives would be much less joyful. They are versatile, optimistic and spontaneous.
Fun-loving type: spontaneous, versatile,
crafty, busy, scatterbrained.

to fall into the "trap" of deprivation
and pain.

to be free, satisfied, and content
to have all needs met.

«You're doing well if you're getting what you need».

— «When life gives you lemons, make lemonade».
Type 7 — Enthusiast
Have internal and external resources, determined, can be proud and dominant. Eights believe they must control their environment and are often confrontational with it. They rarely allow themselves to get close to other people. At their best, Eights own themselves and use their power to improve the lives
of those around them, becoming heroic, magnanimous and sometimes historically great individuals.

Such people are inclined to unbiased reflections, they make everything absolute: good - bad, their own - someone else's. When you have to make a choice, you cancan get angry, but not for long. Eights do not require straightforwardness, but welcome it.
Focused on what's going on around them, always on the side of the weak
and disadvantaged. They have more energy than other types - this allows them to realize any goals and involve the right people.
Eights are confident, strong and assertive.

Willful type: self-confident, dominant, decisive, strong and prone to confrontation.
others will harm or control him,
violate his rights.

to protect himself, to control his
life and destiny.

«You're doing well if you’re strong
and the situation is under your control».

— «I’m the master of my life.».
Type 8 — Confrontator
Nines accept things as they are, they trust people and are internally stable. These people are kind-hearted, easy to be with, they are always ready to support, but are often willing to make concessions to keep the peace. They prefer a conflict-free life
and try to maintain serenity by simplifying problems. Sometimes they become inert
and stubborn. At their best, Nines try
to bring people together and eliminate conflict.

If the Nines is threatened by conflict, they try to stay away from anything that might disturb their peace. The most stubborn type. Dealing with anger through passive aggression. Their gift and problem lies in the ability to see two sides to everything, which
is why the Nines are often indecisive and prone to procrastination. In relationships they’re loyal and self-absorbed. Can put aside their own aspirations and needs in order
to fit in with those around them.
Easygoing, preferring to keep a low profile type: receptive, reassuring, obliging and self-satisfied.
loss and hardship.

to maintain your own inner stability and peace of mind.

«You're doing well if people around you are doing well too».

— «I'm adrift.»
Type 9 — Peacemaker
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